Medicare & You 2020 - Healthcare Guide Book - FREE Downloadable Resource - CLICK HERE!

Why You Should Consult with a Medicare Specialist Before Your 65 Years Old


Give me a call and we'll discuss your current situation regarding employer coverage, retirement plans, and what you want or don't like with your current healthcare coverage.  

We'll also begin to compare health plans, costs and coverage packages.  


We'll go over your information one more time before you go online to register with Medicare.
Now will also be the time to discuss about your healthcare needs and plan decisions. Ask about:

  1. Will I have to choose hospital and healthcare providers from a network?
  2. Will my doctors accept the coverage?
  3. Will I need referrals to see a specialist?
  4. What is Medicare "Part D" and how do I choose this?
  5. What will my prescription medications cost?
  6. Are my specific medications on the drug list? (drug formulary)
  7. Will the plan I choose cover me if I'm traveling and get sick in another state?

One of the most important parts of my job is avoiding penalties for late  enrollments! Part B needs to be a timely enrollment as should Part D.  We will discuss all this as you reach the 3-month period before your 65th birthday.

It's finally time to make a final decision on how Medicare will best take care of you and your future health needs.  You earned Medicare coverage now its time to make the choices to move comfortably forward!!!!! 

*various information taken from unknown sources.